Back in March, me and Anton booked flights to Los Angeles, CA.
We were beyond excited but dreaded the long wait we have until the end of summer, when our trip begins. After booking the flights, it was time to book the hotels. Whilst doing this, we looked into traveling around California, so what was supposed to be a relaxing 2 weeks in LA turned into a crazy road trip which is going to take us not only to CA, but to 5 different places in 3 different states. But I'm not complaining, I'm even more excited for the trip now!
Along our road trip, we will visit:
Los Angeles, CA.
Anaheim, CA.
San Diego, CA.
Phoenix, AZ.
Grand Canyon, AZ. (Not actually a city, but we stay there for a night)
Route 66 to Las Vegas, NV.
and back round for another night in LA, before our flight home.
We also found a few stop off points which I'm so excited to see! There are so many ways of traveling around America and so many places to see, so my advice to people wanting to book a trip like this, is to research, research, research. We found a company who does all the hard work for you, but that way we had to take a bus round with people we didn't know and had to stay in a hostel's or camp, not that there's anything wrong with that, but it just didn't sound like the trip we wanted nor did it sound very romantic. So instead, we did all the hard work ourselves, which definitely paid off because we got to fit in more places and even bagged ourselves a few 5 star hotels all for THE SAME PRICE!! So if I were you, I would research a hell of a lot and do it to suit you.
I'm not a travel expert and there may also be better ways to do it than how we have, but this is what suited us and I am beyond excited to road trip with my best friend.
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